Below is a list of 14 reasons to support The Walk from North Carolina to D.C. to save rural hospitals. The list comes to us by way of Bob Zellner, one of the key organizers of the walk, a veteran of SNCC and other grassroots organizing in the South, and a part of North Carolina’s Forward Together Moral Movement. We’re supporting this walk because there is no reason why, with the high level of medical care available in this country, people in rural areas or anywhere else should be dying because there aren’t any hospitals near where they live.
[aesop_image img=”https://kairoscenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/2014-07-28-Monday-March-1010.jpg” alt=”The Walk from NC to DC” align=”center” lightbox=”off” caption=”From left to right, Bob Zellner, Rev. Dr. William Barber, II, and Mayor Adam O’Neal at a rally in D.C. at the end of last year’s walk to save rural hospitals.” captionposition=”left”]
- The goal of The Walk NC to DC is to make all Americans aware of the dire crisis in rural health care in America, and to encourage the U.S/Congress to enact legislation to sustain rural hospitals.
- Protect Human Life. All lives are sacred. The lives of rural Americans cannot be disregarded. If we’re going to protect life, we must do it for all Americans. This is not a political issue.
- Protect Rural America. In the 50 states, more than 70 million Americans live in rural areas. Rural America represents all walks of life. Farmers now make up about 2% of rural American. All rural Americans are essential to the well being of our nation.
- Protect Jobs. Those who want to close 283 rural hospitals in 2015 will knock out 36,000 healthcare jobs, 50,000 community jobs and $10.6 billion in lost income to rural areas. Their economically insane action would be inequitable and diminish the quality of life for millions of Americans and their families. The loss of these anchors in 283 rural communities will make it impossible for the communities to attract new businesses if there is no hospital to treat the workers and their families.
- Rural hospitals serve more than 62 million Americans. They now face the greatest challenge to their existence in the history of our country.
- Closing rural hospitals means people die. Closing rural hospitals leaves millions of Americans in a dangerous and vulnerable position.
- 283 rural hospitals are targeted to close this year. If each closure caused 10 preventable deaths, that would be equivalent to a 911 attack every year.
- This is not a Republican issue or a Democrat issue – it’s an American issue.
- No matter where you live in America, on a farm, in the suburbs, or in a city, all Americans deserve access to adequate emergency medical care.
- Economically speaking, hospital closures are devastating to small towns. In many cases, the hospitals are the largest employer in the area. Small towns cannot hope to attract new businesses if there is no hospital to treat the workers and their families. Folks don’t retire to towns with no hospital.
- Medicaid expansion is important to rural hospitals. If a state declines Medicaid Expansion, we encourage them to fill the reimbursement gap caused by denying the expansion.
- Over $27.2 billion in U.S. taxes go to foreign aid this year. Saving rural hospitals and keeping them financially viable requires about $300 million a year, leaving almost $27 billion for foreign aid.
- This is an issue we can all agree on, regardless of party or politics. Let’s set an example that Washington can follow by working together on this most important issue.
- It is time for America to demand that Congress work on our rural hospital crisis.
Join Republican Mayor Adam O’Neal and civil rights activist Bob Zellner on the inspiring walk, leaving Belhaven NC on June 1st. Get more info at www.thewalknctodc.com.