Responding to Donald Trump’s recent comments at a rally in Iowa, in which he suggested that he “doesn’t want a poor person” in charge of the economy, the Kairos Center’s Charon Hribar writes about how the poor are the ones with the answers to solving poverty in The Hill:

The problems with Trump’s cabinet are not simply economic; they are moral. This would explain the reemergence of the Poor People’s Campaign Dr. King envisioned.
It’s not just that Trump has billionaires at the trough serving their own interests; it’s that these billionaires feel morally justified in doing so.
This moral crisis is why a first step in building a new Poor People’s Campaign must be to change the perception of wealth and poverty as it exists in this country.
As long as Wall Street elites are seen as the experts and handed the reigns to manage the economy, the interests of the many will remain unmet.
Poor people, not the wealthy, have nothing to gain from this immoral system.
If organized, it is only the leadership of the poor that can ensure a reality where the basic needs of all human beings are met.

Read the rest of the piece here.