By Willie Baptist
2015, University of the Poor Press, Kindle E-Book, $5.99

“History has taught … it is not enough for people to be angry. The supreme task is to organize and unite people so that their anger becomes a transforming force.”
—Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., February 23, 1968
It’s Not Enough to Be Angry offers an assessment of our present enemy and of ourselves, foundational knowledge in the contemporary struggles for justice and dignity. Its basic argument is that the accumulation of capital and centralization of wealth have reached a stage of competitiveness and speculation that has given rise to an unprecedented labor-eliminating micro-electronics technological revolution. This has resulted in a globalized crisis that is not simply cynical but chronic: it is casting huge sections of the middle-income strata down into the ranks of the poor and receding those with poor income to superfluousness. Available at Amazon.com.