A New and Unsettling Force, Vol. 2 – Forthcoming Book from the Kairos Center

In a series of new essays, the members of the Kairos Center expand upon our 2009 publication, A New and Unsettling Force: Reigniting Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Poor People’s Campaign. These new contributions draw lessons from existing struggles of the poor and dispossessed along with scholarship and study from leaders who are responding to the conditions of crisis in our time on many fronts of struggle. Together they reflect on economics, history, religion and social change, drawing from their diverse experiences and backgrounds. 

Each chapter begins with an excerpt from the strategic vision of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as he was calling together the poor across racial and ethnic lines for the Poor People’s Campaign in 1968 and ends with a strategic discussion among Kairos members from around the United States about the questions raised, problems posed and ideas shared in the chapter. 

Here are the chapters so far: