A Migrant Farm Workers
Psalm for Today

By David Wildman

This adaptation of Psalm 126 was offered by David Wildman at the close of the National Farm Worker Ministry board meeting on August 1, 2020. It is republished here with permission. Visit the National Farm Worker Ministry website for other updates and resources on farm workers across the U.S.

A Migrant Farm Workers Psalm for Today
Psalm 126

When God brought back all held captive in detention centers,
And all deportation threats were ended,
When God brought workers back to their homes,
We were like communities restored to health,
Our dreams became real!
Our mouths once again filled with laughter,
Our tongues with songs of joy. 
Then it was said among the nations,
“God has done great things for them. 
God is indeed doing a great thing among us! 

Restore our fortunes, our labor, our health, and our families, O God,
That have been taken from us for the sake of corporate greed. 
Restore our dignity and safety, O God, that our organizing may be
Like a clean, pesticide-free stream watering the fields with justice. 
Grant us reparations and a union contract now! 
May we find courage and persistence to implement reparations,
To repair the breach, and restore justice for all
Who have been robbed, harassed, exploited and excluded,
Yet are labelled ‘essential’ by an abusive, consumptive system.

Then farm workers who go out weeping each day,
Planting seeds but never reaping the just fruits of their labors,
Then farm workers, packing shed workers, dairy workers,
Shall come home with collective shouts of joy
Each carrying their sheaves—
Carrying their dignity, just wages, and their health! 

With God’s help, we work for the day when
Every farm worker will sit under their own vine,
And under their own fruit trees,
And no ICE, police, federal agents or anyone will make them afraid.
(Micah 4:4)
May it be so!
Si se puede!