The Guardian published an article today on the water crisis in Flint and other communities in Michigan, where Nestlé bottles water at minimal cost just two hours from Flint and sells it to Flint residents and other dispossessed people who lack potable water. The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival’s Mass Meeting in Detroit, MI, held on September 5, 2017, is highlighted in the piece:
“When it comes to water, we should be working within the government to make that as cheap as possible,” Barber said. “Privatizing that which the lord created is just wrong” …
Barber spoke to a crowd of hundreds in Detroit, with 11,000 more people watching online. The rally was not just about raising spirits. It was part of the Poor People’s Campaign, a “moral revival” organized by Barber and his co-chair, the Rev Dr Liz Theoharis, to train impoverished Americans to be activists.
Barber is a tall, stout man with a teeter-totter gait. He’s got hands the size of a bear’s and builds his speeches like a fire – nurturing a spark into a cheering, song-singing, burn-the-house-down blaze.
“The prophet said, ‘Take away your prayers, take away your sacrifice – if you want to please me, let justice roll down like water!’”
Barber started with a cold crowd, but some were soon in tears, and answered calls in unison – “Forward together!” Barber yelled. “Not one step back!” the crowd shouted back.
“Forward together!”
“Not one step back!”
Read the rest of the article in the Guardian here.