ana g. lara lópez

ana g. lara lópez

Coordinator of Freedom Church of the Poor Care & Engagement

ana g. lara lópez (She/They) is the Coordinator of Freedom Church of the Poor Care & Engagement. ana was born and raised in Antigua, Guatemala, yet has also lived in Costa Rica, Kentucky, North Carolina, Brazil, and New York City – all places that have deeply influenced her perception of the world and her relationship with it. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology/Anthropology with a minor in Psychology from Warren Wilson College and a Masters of Divinity with an interdisciplinary concentration on Spiritual Care & Collective Liberation from Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York.

ana is committed to the work of dismantling in/visible norms of capitalism, white supremacy, ableism and patriarchy and discerning the myriad ways we can ground our everyday practices as the catalyst for our collective liberation. They are guided by the ethos of disability justice, trauma-informed intergenerational care, and love as a verb. She enjoys supporting the Religious Affairs work of the Kairos Center through Freedom Church of the Poor, La Iglesia del Pueblo, and the Reading the Bible with the Poor Cohort, as well as engaging clergy, lay leaders, congregations, and seminarians within the life of Freedom Church. They also enjoy witnessing sunrises and sunsets, playing with toddlers, laughing, sharing meals with others, and organizing communities to savor their collective power and beauty.