Do homeless people have constitutional rights?

By Kevin Nye (RNS) β€” On April 22, the first night of Passover, the Supreme Court heard Johnson v. Grants Pass, the most significant case on homelessness in the last 40 years β€” and faith leaders across the country are making themselves heard.

Policy Briefing #20: Homeless, Not Helpless

This policy briefing is based on an article published by the Washington Center for Equitable Growth in December 2022, β€œThe Economic Impact of Housing Insecurity in the United States.”

Winter Offensive: National Union of the Homeless

Service Title: Winter Offensive: National Union of the HomelessPreacher/Speaker: Dr. Savina Martin, National Union of the Homeless, MA PPCScripture: Mark 12:38-44 This past Sunday November 7, 2021 through MLK Day