Poor People's Campaign / Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis You Who Have Neglected: Reading Matthew 23 for #MORALRESISTANCE in an age of Poverty and Inequality
Events / Kairos Center Breaking news! Rev. Dr. William Barber stepping up to join the leadership of the New Poor People’s Campaign
Events / Kairos Center You Cannot Wash Your Hands of the Poor: Rev. Shawna Foster on the People’s Revival
Poor People's Campaign / Kairos Center Updates on Rev. Dr. Barber’s transition to the New Poor People’s Campaign
History / Colleen Wessel-McCoy When Jesus Says Love He Means It: Excerpts from Martin Luther King Jr.’s 1967 Frogmore speech on its 50th Anniversary
Events / Kairos Center Reflecting on the New York State Truth Commission’s Neighborhood Check-In – Southern Tier
Religions / Larry Cox The Power of Religion and Human Rights: Larry Cox at the Bernstein Symposium at Yale University